Hello, fellow reloader! The parts combination offered is what I use myself in my standard Dillon XL 750 measures. All of those parts Dillon should have designed and provided out of the box long ago - but it just doesn`t. The 3 items I offer are a precise fit for the measure shown on the picture (the measure itself is not included in sale). Some minor fitting adjustments may be possibly required for older models, kit offered is test fit on a shown measure unit - with the bolt head size at 11mm, inner diameter of the measure tube at 60mm. The Baffle helps to provide very consistent drops - using Varget powder I get a 0.2gr accuracy during .223 and .308 batch loads when installed as shown. The Knob lets you to rotate the bolt. I looked over various designs, and stuck to this one, as it is compact and grippy. And it is sized 'just right' - to be tight enough, but not to make you brake your fingers putting it on. The Strainer helps when you need to empty out the brass with the wrong drop amount (you tap it to empty) and also works as a funnel. Stock measure lid fits on top of it to keep it closed tight when not in use. Offered in either Black or Blue color. No returns, USPS shipment to continental USA only.